Priv. Doz. Dr. Werner Schmid, MSc
Priv. Doz. Dr. Werner Schmid, MSc

Specialist in Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine, and Physiology
Privately paid Physician, only partial reimbursement through the health insurance
Mobil: +43 677 620 37 024
Pain is now understood not just as a direct expression of organic damage, but as a bio-psycho-social phenomenon (bio-psycho-social pain model). This means that the development and especially the persistence of (chronic) pain involve not only physical components but also behavioral, cognitive, and emotional factors.
One therapy that addresses this complex “pain condition” is multimodal pain therapy. The foundation of multimodal pain therapy is an interdisciplinary treatment concept that integrates multiple specialties into the treatment plan. Therefore, integral components of this therapeutic approach include not only potential pharmacological interventions but also the combined use of psychotherapeutic and physiotherapeutic/ergotherapeutic measures. The combination of these different therapeutic approaches is now considered a more effective treatment for chronic pain conditions, and the presence of key disciplines in the “Therapy Center Babenbergerstraße” provides patients with particularly efficient access to this therapy.
The goals of multimodal pain therapy include not only improving quality of life but also fostering better management of chronic pain and reintegrating patients into a functioning daily life.
As an anesthesiologist, my role is to facilitate this complex interplay of different specialties and, in particular, to initiate and optimize pharmacological therapy as needed.
Other areas of focus for me as an anesthesiologist include the administration of anesthesia across all surgical specialties and age groups, short-term anesthesia or sedation (twilight sleep) for diagnostic/therapeutic procedures, ultrasound-guided nerve blocks for pain relief (known as peripheral regional anesthesia), and neuraxial regional anesthesia (e.g., spinal anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, caudal block) for surgical procedures in the abdomen, pelvis, or legs.
“As a private physician, I take ample time to individually and comprehensively address your needs.”