OA Dr. Nezir Sela
OA Dr. Nezir Sela

Specialist in Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery
Senior Physician in the Orthopedic Department at Herz Jesu Hospital Vienna
Chief Surgeon at the Endoprosthetics Center
Privately paid Physician, only partial reimbursement through the health insurance
Mobil: +43 660 722 94 88
Tel.: +43 1 9346820
Mail: n.sela@tzbabenbergerstrasse.at
Make an appointment at:
About the person
- Born in 1976, married, with two children
- Studied human medicine at the Medical University of Vienna
- Specialist in orthopedics and orthopedic surgery – Austrian Medical Chamber
- Physician for general medicine – Austrian Medical Chamber
- Diploma in emergency medicine – Austrian Medical Chamber
- Specialist in general medicine – Bavarian Medical Chamber
- Additional qualification in emergency medicine – Bavarian Medical Chamber
- Additional qualification in manual medicine/chiropractic – Bavarian Medical Chamber
Additional Information
- Austrian Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery
- AGA – Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery
- DVSE – German Association for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Language skills: German, Albanian, English
- In my practice, all conditions of the musculoskeletal system are treated with consideration of the latest scientific findings.
- Surgical treatment focuses on endoprosthetics for the knee, hip, and shoulder, as well as all arthroscopic surgical procedures for the shoulder and knee, and open surgical procedures for the hip, knee, shoulder, ankle, foot, and hand.
- Additionally, I have extensive experience in the application of conservative therapies, manual therapy, neural therapy, infiltrations, and more.
Outpatient and inpatient surgeries are performed at Herz Jesu Hospital GmbH (Baumgasse 20 A, 1030 Vienna).
“Movement is life. When mobility is lacking and pain restricts joy and freedom, I am here for you.”